Hello everybody!
Hope your 11th day (or whatever day that is it for you) of
quarantine is going easy and smooth for you all. Since we’ve been
having more time than usual laying around our house and working, I
though that I would share some simple DIY’s that you could do this
weekend at home. I have tried all of this DIY’s myself, so I tell
you, these projects are fairly easy and I can tell because I consider
myself like a beginner DIYer, so if you’re feeling like doing
something, maybe you could give this ones a try!

The makeup bag
pictured above is like one step more difficult to do, so here I am
sharing an easier DIY bag. However, if you feel like going a little
bit more difficult, then here’s the tutorial I used.
Since you may be running a little low on supplies, one thing you could do is recycle an old bag that you no longer use or that is in bad condition, remove the zipper and reuse it. I’ve done this many times before and it does really works! When you’re at home without being able to go out, recycling seems like the only way!
Since you may be running a little low on supplies, one thing you could do is recycle an old bag that you no longer use or that is in bad condition, remove the zipper and reuse it. I’ve done this many times before and it does really works! When you’re at home without being able to go out, recycling seems like the only way!
I recently did thistechnique and it was nice and soothing, it helped me with my anxiety
and the result was very cute. Since I didn’t have all of the
supplies I had to improvise a little bit, with a regular sewing
needle, and sewing thread and some bead that I had, but needless to
say that it worked, although I would have loved to have silver or
golden beads to make something that I would actually wear more, but
still I think it’s a nice project and will definitely be making
many of this for my niece!
I have to admit that
I did this bag many weeks prior to the whole world pandemic
situation, and definitely it was a little bit more tricky than the
others diys but I feel like the video was well explained so it was
easy to follow through. This bag, without a doubt has become my
favorite accesorie lately (even better because I made it!). The tassel was another DIY
that I made but it’s very simple and doesn’t need many skills
apart from sewing. You can follow the tutorial here.
This is the perfect
time to try and do the projects you’ve been wanting to do for so
long, so here’s one of my favorites! Honestly, when I made mine I
didn’t follow any tutorial, I just simply cut some square pieces of
an old towel and a sheet that had holes and then sewed it all up
using zig zag stitch and that was it! But, if you need a tutorial,
here’s this one that is very simple.
Great thing about this project is that you don't need a sewing machine! You can absolutely sew this pads by hand, although it might take a little bit more time, it's a great evening project: prepare yourself a cup of tea and a put on a show that you really enjoy and you're done. This pads are super soft and work great for removing makeup or to apply things like toner. I use them almost every single day. Give this diy a go because it's eco-friendly too!
I know that march
doesn’t seem like a normal month to start bullet journaling, but it
might be helpful for the mental health of many people! I know that
making your own journal from scratch doesn’t seem very useful
because it’s easier go outside and buy one, but since you already
have the time and you’re likely to have the supplies at home, why
don’t give it a try?
I did this tutorial
a year ago, and I’m still surprised on how good this journal has
lasted. For the cover I used a scrap of a soft pleather fabric that I
had in my stash and has lasted incredibly well, but obviously you can
use whatever you like (or have on hand!) I used recycled white paper for the inside and also a cardboard folder, strong thread and some strong glue
and A LOT of time a patience. Give it a try if you’re feeling like
having a journal made by yourself is just more special.
I hope you can try
at least one of this projects this weekend at home, because keeping
the brain entertained by learning something new is a great way to
keep it strong! If you tried any of this DIY please, let me know in
the comments! Hope you’re staying safe, happy and sane at home!